This funding call was open to projects that could accelerate impact in the following areas:
- Knowledge transfer from academia to industry
- Business engagement activities
- Technology translation
Three awards were made, totalling £108k.
- A heterogeneous platform for GaN power electronics (Het-GaN), Professor Merlyne De Souza, University of Sheffield
This project will explore a solution for “integrated control functionality via multi-wafer integration of power and logic functions” as a means of achieving power conversion at frequencies greater than 20 MHz in GaN. This topic has been identified as a priority by PEUK .
- A robust, compact, high-efficient, soft-switched AC chopper for smart residential distribution network using SiC power electronics – A Amiri, Loughborough University.
This research will develop a soft-switched version of an existing Power Electronic Converter (PEC). The PEC will form part of the so-called smart-electrical-grid, which is forecast to save £19 billion in UK grid costs and boost exports by £5 billion.
- A high reliability platform for integration in GaN on Sapphire (PlatGaN) Professor Merlyne De Souza, University of Sheffield