Year in Industry Openings at GE HVDC, Stafford

GE HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current), Stafford are offering opportunities for interns to join them from September 2023, for 12 months, as part of students’ year in industry/ industrial placements.

Over the last three years, they have taken 10 interns per year, predominantly across the engineering disciplines but also with opportunities in management. When interns join they are placed within the functional management and allocated work on customer or R&D projects to support the delivery of HVDC systems and products to the market, in addition to following an internal development program to foster their understanding and prepare them for their future careers.

The opportunities can be found through GE’s external jobs site by searching for “Intern”. Links to the 10 roles have also been posted on LinkedIn by Kristoffer Baker, HVDC Engineering Capability Leader.

CPE Annual Conference, 4-5 July 2023 – Open for Registration and Call for Posters from Students and PDRAs

The Centre for Power Electronics and IMAPS-UK are delighted to announce that the CPE Annual Conference 2023 Event Page is now open for registration for Attendees, Sponsors and Exhibitors.

The two-day Conference will feature a range of academic and industry presentations, an opportunity for students and postdoctoral researchers to present and develop their research through posters/oral presentations, and to network with speakers, exhibitors and fellow attendees during the day and at an evening BBQ on Tuesday 4 July 2023. A visit to the state-of-the art Lab facilities at the University of Nottingham Power Electronics and Machines Centre (PEMC) will also be organised.

A pre-Conference workshop on Power Electronics Devices and Packaging is also being arranged on Monday 3 July 2023 at the same venue. The event page is now also open for registration


Call for Posters from Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

The CPE Conference Team invites Abstracts from Students (PhD, Masters and Undergraduate) and Postdoctoral Researchers for Poster Presentations which describe the latest advancements in Power Electronics and Drives. Those wishing to present their work at the CPE Annual Conference 2023 should consult this flyer; CPE Call for Posters and submit an abstract of no more than 200 words via this Microsoft Form by the deadline of Friday 24th February 2023.

PhD students interested in also applying to deliver an Oral Presentation at the Conference (which will be for a maximum of 5 minutes followed by time for Questions and Answers) are given an opportunity to indicate so when filling-in the Microsoft Form linked above.

Prizes will be awarded to selected Poster and Oral Presentations at the Conference.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Steve Riches at

CPE Online Talk – Long-Haul Road Freight: Hydrogen or Electricity? – 1 Feb 2023

1st February 2023, 2pm to 4pm GMT
Professor David Cebon, University of Cambridge
On Microsoft Teams

To register, please email:

Abstract: Long-haul road freight is said to be one of the ‘difficult to decarbonise’ sectors of the economy. Heavy vehicles require large amounts of power for long periods of time, making battery electric technologies challenging. There are two main alternatives to battery-electric vehicles: fuel-cell electric vehicles powered by hydrogen and battery electric vehicle technology, with various charging options. The heavy vehicle industry is currently divided over which technology to back with the government spending approx. £200m on demonstration trials to help it decide which way to go. This talk will consider the basic numbers associated with these issues and will show that one option makes sense, while the other doesn’t.

Biography: David Cebon, PhD, FREng, FIMechE is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Cambridge University Engineering Department, where he has been a member of staff since 1985. He leads the Department’s Transport Research Group and the Department’s research theme ‘Energy, Transport and Urban Infrastructure’. He is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Road Freight and the Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium. Professor Cebon has authored or co-authored many papers on dynamics, safety, manoeuvrability and decarbonisation of heavy vehicles. He has also published widely on road and bridge response and damage as well as asphalt micromechanics.

CPE online talk flyer – Wednesday 1 February 2023 – Professor David Cebon

This online talk has been organised in collaboration with Professor Layi Alatise, University of Warwick


Call for Abstracts from Early and Mid-Career Researchers for Oral Presentation at CPE 2023 Conference

The CPE Conference Team invites Abstracts from Early/Mid Career Academics for Oral Presentations which describe the latest advancements in Power Electronics and Drives (see flyer in link below).

Those wishing to present their work at the CPE Annual Conference 2023 should submit an abstract of no more than 200 words and a biography of up to 150 words, electronically to: by the deadline of Friday 16th December 2022. If you require any further information, please contact Steve Riches at the same email address.

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Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference held at the University of Warwick

This year’s Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference was held as an in-person event at the University of Warwick on the 5 and 6 July, with over 160 delegates attending.

The Conference featured state of the art presentations from academic and industrial speakers, 2 Sponsors (Driving the Electric Revolution – Industrialisation Centres and Siemens Digital Software), 12 Exhibitors, 38 poster presentations from Early Career Researchers and panel sessions on the challenges facing the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and skills, training and future talent development in this growing industry. A barbecue was also included.

The Conference was Chaired by Professor Layi Alatise and organised in partnership with IMAPS-UK.

A summary of the Conference is available to read here: Summary of Annual Conference 2022

Copies of available presentation slides from this CPE Annual Conference, as well as previous ones, can be accessed here: CPE Annual Conference Presentation Slides




Many thanks to Simon Mendy, PhD Researcher at the University of Warwick, for his help in taking many of the photos!

Travel fund for PhD students attending CPE Annual Conference 2022 – Open for applications

We’re pleased to announce some funds are available to cover economy rail travel costs for UK-based PhD students attending the CPE Annual Conference 2022, subject to an eligible case being submitted by PhD supervisors. The supervisor will need to email to confirm that they/ their student does not have access to institutional funds to cover such travel costs. We will respond to applications as soon as possible.

Promoting awareness of electronics in primary school education – Electronic kits available to apply for

Following last year’s Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference, the organising team dedicated some funds to the procurement of Hot Wires – Plug and Play Electronics Sets (John Adams) for distribution to primary schools (suitable for Ages 8+). The sets are being supplied with rechargeable batteries and a solar powered charger to also encourage the use and awareness of alternative energy supplies.

Following a previous call for applications, five of these sets were awarded to successful applicants.

There is still an opportunity to apply for a set – if you are involved in STEM activities in primary schools and are interested in applying, please email the IMAPS-UK Office ( as soon as possible, with details of the intended recipients and a short description of how you plan to actively promote electronics awareness within the primary school(s) involved.


CPE Annual Conference 2022 – Registration is open

We invite you to register for this year’s CPE Annual Conference which is taking place from the 5-6 July 2022 at the University of Warwick.

This in-person conference is a great opportunity to engage with state-of-the-art research and colleagues from across the Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) community. A copy of the programme is available to view below.

To register, please visit the Conference Registration page. For travel advice, see Travel Directions to the University of Warwick.

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CPE Annual Conference 2022 – Call for Posters from PhD Students and PDRAs

The Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference brings together the Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Community to review the latest Research and Development that will impact the Electric Revolution.

The Conference this year will be held at the University of Warwick over two days on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 July 2022 with attractive rates to be offered for students and early career researchers.

Part of the Conference Programme is dedicated to highlighting the work being undertaken by researchers at an early stage in their career – giving them the opportunity to present their research to an international audience and fostering future collaboration with other Universities and Industry.

If you are a PhD Student or Post-Doctoral Research Assistant who is interested in presenting a Poster at the Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference 2022, please send a 200-word abstract and title to by 25 February 2022. Awards will be made to the Best and Runner up Poster Presentations. For further details, please see the Call for Posters.

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Promoting awareness of electronics in primary school education – Opportunity

The Centre for Power Electronics and IMAPS-UK are collaborating to promote electronics in early-stage education. Following the Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference in 2021, the organising team is dedicating some funds to the procurement of Hot Wires – Plug and Play Electronics Sets (John Adams) for distribution to primary schools (suitable for Ages 8+), in order to raise awareness of electronics and highlight the benefits of children engaging with a wide range of experiments involving the building of functioning electronics. The Hot Wires – Plug and Play Electronics Sets will also be supplied with rechargeable batteries and a solar powered charger.

If you are involved in STEM activities in primary schools and are interested in applying for one of these sets, please email the IMAPS-UK Office ( with details of the intended recipients and a short description of how you plan to actively promote electronics awareness in primary schools. Please send your request by Monday 31st January 2022. You will then be informed of whether you will receive a kit for distribution to your proposed primary school by 28th February 2022.