Research and Technical Showcase Event

On Tuesday 8th March 2022, from 09:30-18:00, the Sustainable Electric Propulsion CDT are hosting a Research and Technical Showcase Event.

The CDT will present its latest research activities at the event, covering topics on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD), and keynote talks will be delivered by Professor Alan Mantooth (Distinguished Professor at University of Arkansas) and Mr Steve Graham, Vice President TES.

As outlined in the full programme linked below, the event will feature various technical presentations, and include a pitching event for promoting new ideas and business models in green PEMD.

The event is a great opportunity to listen to exciting research activities, engage with the CDT, network and to discuss future research directions with industry and stakeholders.

To book a place please visit: CDT SEP research showcase event ( For further information please email

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Promoting awareness of electronics in primary school education – Opportunity

The Centre for Power Electronics and IMAPS-UK are collaborating to promote electronics in early-stage education. Following the Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference in 2021, the organising team is dedicating some funds to the procurement of Hot Wires – Plug and Play Electronics Sets (John Adams) for distribution to primary schools (suitable for Ages 8+), in order to raise awareness of electronics and highlight the benefits of children engaging with a wide range of experiments involving the building of functioning electronics. The Hot Wires – Plug and Play Electronics Sets will also be supplied with rechargeable batteries and a solar powered charger.

If you are involved in STEM activities in primary schools and are interested in applying for one of these sets, please email the IMAPS-UK Office ( with details of the intended recipients and a short description of how you plan to actively promote electronics awareness in primary schools. Please send your request by Monday 31st January 2022. You will then be informed of whether you will receive a kit for distribution to your proposed primary school by 28th February 2022.


CPE Annual Conference 2022 – Call for Abstracts from Early/ Mid Career Academics

We are making arrangements for the 2022 Centre for Power Electronics Annual conference, which we are organising as an in-person event at the University of Warwick from the 5-6 July 2022.

We are dedicating several plenary talks to early/mid-career academics (e.g. Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor) at the Conference to help highlight their work among the Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Community.

If you are an early/mid-career academic interested in giving a plenary talk (around 25 minutes) at the Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference 2022, please send a 150 word biography and 200 word abstract and title to by 15th December 2021. For further details, please see the Call for Abstracts (PDF).

During the 2022 conference, there will be opportunities for networking, research consortium building activities and a research showcase. We shall also announce a Call for Posters in January 2022 and will keep you updated, both through updates on this website and via our mailing list (sign-up details available at the bottom of this page).

CPE Annual Conference 2021 – Report and Resources

Earlier this summer we brought back the Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference, which was successfully held as an online/hybrid event between 13-15 July despite Covid-related challenges.

Over 180 people participated across the three afternoons. The Conference featured state of the art presentations from academic and industrial speakers, oral and poster presentations from Early Career Researchers, exhibitor videos and panel sessions on the recent development in the power electronics, machines and drives (PEMD) community and opportunities for working in this growing industry. The Conference was organised in partnership with IMAPS-UK and DER.

We would like to thank all speakers and participants. The Centre will continue to organise events to benefit the PEMD community.

Please find below links to the full Conference Report and Conference Presentations.

Link to full Conference Report.
Link to PDF copies of Conference Presentations.

Call for papers – IET PEMD 2022 Conference

The 11th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD) will be taking place between 21 – 23 June 2022 at Newcastle University, UK. 

PEMD brings together hundreds of power electronics, machines and drives specialists from around the world to share and learn about the latest developments in the technologies and applications of electrical drives, machines and power electronic systems.

Post-deadline submissions deadline: 4 April 2022